Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at any of the methods listed below.  We look forward to the opportunity to earn your business.

Office Hours:
8:00 AM- 5:00 PM

Mailing Address:
450 Shrewsbury Plaza #411
Shrewsbury, New Jersey   07702

O: 732.263.1077
M: 908.247.6224

Edmundo L. Narvaez

Myra Ashman-Narvaez

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    "I have worked with Ed Narvaez for over 6 years and it is a privilege to recommend him as the "go-to-guy" for resistance welding solutions.  Even though we do not work at the same company any longer, I am still learning from him as we continue to solicit his consulting advise on projects where his experience is invaluable.  I can state unequivocally that he is a person of great integrity with a wealth of experience in the industry."

    Niels Johnson
    Industry Sales Manager
    Weld Systems Integrators, Inc.
    "I have known Edmundo Narvaez and have worked alongside of him for 25 years at LORS Machinery. He is well respected in the resistance welding industry and known to be a true gentleman with integrity.

    He helped train me and has an in-depth knowledge of resistance welding and the TECNA product line.   We have an on going relationship and collaborate on many projects where his expertise is needed.  He always puts the customer first in his dealings.  He is a pleasure to work with."

    Jim Ferraro, TECNA, USA